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Homemade Natural Soap


Many times my clients, friends and family will be earnestly and genuinely committed to improving their and their loved ones health, and yet it has never dawned on them that some if not most of the products they use on their bodies and in their homes are full of toxic ingredients that are doing very real harm to their health. Or, they are aware of this issue, but don't know what to do about it: they don't have the resources, tools or knowledge to begin to clean up the products they use.

This area is one of my passions - as someone who is acutely sensitive and intensely, wildly impacted by my senses and environment, I have been contending with this issue all my life. I care strongly about helping people (and pets, plants, everybody!) to become empowered and informed about this.

I offer one on one sessions where I will guide you through the basics of how to suss out if a product is or isn't truly natural, safe, and non toxic, how to start to be an ingredients label reader, how to build your ingredient literacy skills, which natural products are the most effective alternatives to conventional toxic ones ( I have LOTS of experience trying them out!), where to buy natural products, and my top picks for toxic-chemical ingredients dictionaries (yes, this is a real thing, there are a few out there, and they are great!). I will also provide you with a list of alternatives for your specific products. I also offer group workshops on this topic, and am more than happy to come give presentations at any private or public event. More offerings on this topic are in the works coming soon! If you are interested in exploring this topic further I recommend checking out Environmental Working Group's website and highly encourage you to watch the documentary STINK! by Jon Whelan 

To schedule a consultation or if you would like me to come speak or teach about this subject email me at

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